TechValidate Research on Cisco Vulnerability Management

These pages present data that TechValidate has sourced via direct research with verified customers and users of Cisco Vulnerability Management. TechValidate stands behind the authenticity of all published data. Learn more »

370 Customers Surveyed

2,872 Data Points Collected

190 Published TechFacts

10 Published Charts

98 Published Case Studies

Selected Research Highlights

Kenna Security Case Study

State & Local Government


This case study of a state & local government is based on a November 2018 survey of Kenna Security customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service. The profiled organization asked to have their name blinded to protect their confidentiality.


The business challenges that led the profiled organization to evaluate and ultimately select Kenna Security:

  • Security challenges experienced that led to implementing the Kenna Security Platform:
    • Too many vulnerabilities with no way to effectively prioritize
    • High volume of security data lacking context for decision making
  • Previously used the following to prioritize vulnerability scan data:
    • Spreadsheets

Use Case

The key features and functionalities of Kenna Security that the surveyed organization uses:

  • Has been actively using the Kenna Security Platform for 9-12 months.
  • Kenna Security Platform features most important to them when evaluating competitive or alternative solutions:
    • Data science-based risk scoring methodology
    • “Off the shelf” integrations with a wide range of security data sources


The surveyed organization achieved the following results with Kenna Security:

  • Most important security challenges the Kenna Security Platform has helped solve:
    • Addressing vulnerabilities that pose the greatest risk to their environment

Kenna Security Case Study

Fire And Police Pension Association


This case study of Fire and Police Pension Association is based on an October 2019 survey of Kenna Security customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service.

“Qualys vulnerability reports were 12000 pages long for 50 servers. How is that useful? When that data was parsed by Kenna our risk meter was medium or low on those same servers, and the Kenna data showed us what to fix. "


The business challenges that led the profiled organization to evaluate and ultimately select Kenna Security:

  • Vulnerability management challenges they experienced that led them to implement the Kenna Security Platform:
    • Too many vulnerabilities with no way to effectively prioritize
    • No way to quantify or measure risk from vulnerabilities
    • Inefficiencies in vulnerability remediation

Use Case

The key features and functionalities of Kenna Security that the surveyed organization uses:

  • Approaches used to prioritize vulnerabilities prior to Kenna:
    • CVSS 8+
    • CVSS 9+
    • CVSS 10
    • Use rating system from scanner
  • How they evaluate the success of their Kenna Security platform implementation:
    • Kenna risk score reduction
    • Reduction in vulnerability investigation time
  • Kenna’s primary advantage(s) over other vulnerability management platforms:
    • Kenna goes beyond basic risk scoring and tells them what they need to fix first
    • Kenna provides meaningful and actionable data for remediation (remediation intelligence)
    • Kenna provides awareness of how much risk is in their environment
    • Kenna includes multiple threat intel feeds (eliminating the need for subscription)


The surveyed organization achieved the following results with Kenna Security:

  • Reduction of time spent on the following activities, since using Kenna:
    • Time spent on Vulnerability Investigation: over 10%
    • Time spent on remediation: over 10%
    • Time spent on reporting: 0%

Kenna Security Customer Research

Top Security Challenges Solved

What are the most important security challenges the Kenna Security Platform has helped you solve?

Addressing vulnerabilities that pose the greatest risk to our environment
Quantifiable way to measure, reduce and report on risk
Increased efficiency of vulnerability remediation
Transforming security data into actionable intelligence

Kenna.VM Customer Testimonial

Kenna risk meters and risk scores have completely changed the way we manage vulnerabilities and attack surface risk. Tracking risk scores over time are the core of leadership metrics. Top fixes and reducing risk scores over time drives our prioritized remediation strategy.

Gregston Chu, Vulnerability, Deloitte & Touche LLP

Kenna Security Customer Research

Please select the answer below that best describes your current engagement model between the Security and IT team:

Security investigates and prioritizes vulnerabilities; IT remediates
Security investigates; Security and IT work together to prioritize; IT remediates
Security and IT work together to investigate and prioritize
Security investigates; IT prioritizes and remediates
IT investigates, prioritizes and remediates; Security handles reporting

Kenna Security Customer Testimonial

Simply put, our internal customers are now more willingly involved.

Principal Information Assurance Officer, Large Enterprise Automotive & Transport Company

More to Explore

About Cisco Vulnerability Management

Cisco Vulnerability Management (formerly Kenna.VM) offers an effective, efficient way to reduce your risk profile using risk-based prioritization powered by data science. Rely on it to ID the vulnerabilities that put you at the greatest risk, create a self-service environment for remediation teams, set intelligent SLAs based on your risk tolerance, compare your risk posture against industry peers, deliver clear reports with intuitive metrics, and more.

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