TechValidate Research on Perforce Software HelixALM

99 TechFacts – Page 1 of 4

Perforce Helix ALM Customer Satisfaction

83% of surveyed Large and Medium Enterprise organizations are likely to recommend Perforce Helix ALM.*


Perforce Helix ALM Customer Statistic

100% of surveyed organizations realized a return on their Helix ALM investment within 1-2 years.


Perforce Helix ALM Customer Statistic

Over two thirds of surveyed organizations agreed with the following statement:

“Helix ALM helps us shorten release cycles without compromising quality.”

Perforce Helix ALM Customer Statistic

61% of surveyed organizations who use Helix ALM for Requirements Management or Test Case Management agreed that “Helix ALM helps us reduce risk by ensuring compliance.”


Perforce Helix ALM Customer Statistic

57% of surveyed organizations agreed that “Helix ALM helps us reduce risk by ensuring compliance.”


Perforce Helix ALM Customer Statistic

79% of surveyed organizations who use Helix ALM for Test Case Management realized a return on their investment within the first year.


Perforce Helix ALM Customer Satisfaction

75% of surveyed organizations are likely to recommend Perforce Helix ALM.*


Perforce Helix ALM Customer Statistic

93% of surveyed organizations said that Helix ALM enabled them to improve traceability throughout their development process.


Perforce Helix ALM Customer Statistic

70% of surveyed organizations said that Helix ALM enabled them to increase the efficiency of their team.


Perforce Helix ALM Customer Statistic

68% of surveyed organizations realized a return on their Helix ALM investment within the first year.


Perforce Helix ALM Customer Statistic

70% of surveyed organizations agreed that “Using Helix ALM improves the safety and/or quality of our product.”


Perforce Helix ALM Customer Statistic

71% of surveyed organizations agreed that “Using Helix ALM improves our confidence in our releases.”


Perforce Helix ALM Customer Statistic

70% of surveyed organizations agreed that “Using Helix ALM improves the quality of our test coverage.”


Perforce Helix ALM Customer Statistic

81% of surveyed organizations agreed that “Using Helix ALM brings consistency & clarity to our development process.”


Perforce Helix ALM Customer Statistic

91% of surveyed organizations agreed that “Using Helix ALM improves alignment around requirements and changes.”


Perforce Helix ALM Customer Fact

STEMCELL Technologies chose Helix ALM because managing product development with spreadsheets wasn’t working and they needed a tool to help with regulatory compliance. The company was also facing the challenges of poor auditability due to lack of proper documentation, lack of confidence in test coverage or release-readiness, and poor visibility across teams.

Perforce Helix ALM Customer Fact

A Product Design Manager at a large enterprise industrial manufacturing company has agreed with this statement:

“Helix ALM helps us shorten release cycles without compromising quality.”

Perforce Helix ALM Customer Fact

A large enterprise industrial manufacturing company said that Helix ALM enables them to increase the efficiency of their team, reduce product development risk, improve traceability throughout their development process, and develop a higher quality product.

Perforce Helix ALM Customer Fact

A medium enterprise aerospace & defense company said that Helix ALM enables them to increase the efficiency of their team, save time and effort on audits, improve traceability throughout their development process, and develop a higher quality product.

Perforce Helix ALM Customer Fact

A Project Manager at a medium enterprise aerospace & defense company has agreed with this statement:

“Helix ALM helps us shorten release cycles without compromising quality.”

Perforce Helix ALM Customer Fact

A large enterprise electronics company said that Helix ALM enables them to increase the efficiency of their team, improve traceability throughout their development process, and develop a higher quality product.

Perforce Helix ALM Customer Fact

A medium enterprise transportation services company said that Helix ALM enables them to increase the efficiency of their team and develop a higher quality product.

Perforce Helix ALM Customer Fact

A Chief Technology Officer at a medium enterprise transportation services company has agreed with this statement:

“Helix ALM helps us shorten release cycles without compromising quality.”

Perforce Helix ALM Customer Fact

A medium enterprise healthcare company said that Helix ALM enabled them to improve regulatory compliance and improve traceability throughout their development process.

Perforce Helix ALM Customer Fact

A medium enterprise healthcare company strongly agreed that using Helix ALM “helps us reduce risk by ensuring compliance.”

Perforce Helix ALM Customer Fact

A Global 500 aerospace & defense company said that Helix ALM enabled them to reduce product development risk and improve traceability throughout their development process.

Perforce Helix ALM Customer Fact

Olivier Sannier, an Engineering Director at Laser Systems & Solutions of Europe, has agreed with this statement:

“Helix ALM helps us shorten release cycles without compromising quality.”

Perforce Helix ALM Customer Fact

Laser Systems & Solutions of Europe said that Helix ALM enabled them to increase the efficiency of their team and improve traceability throughout their development process.

Perforce Helix ALM Customer Fact

Laser Systems & Solutions of Europe realized a return on their Helix ALM investment immediately.

Perforce Helix ALM Customer Fact

Laser Systems & Solutions of Europe strongly agreed that using Helix ALM “helps us achieve continuous traceability.”

More Research on Perforce Software HelixALM