TechValidate Research on Emburse Cards

40 TechFacts – Page 2 of 2

Emburse Cards Customer Testimonial

Emburse it great way to save time and manage cash flow. It makes our employees feel empowered to do their job…. Our finance staff feels like we have great protocol and oversight set up “behind the scenes”.

John Kim, Financial Director, Acts 29 Network

Emburse Cards Customer Testimonial

We are able to fund operational expenses with clear approval tracing.

Thomas Peck, Assistant Controller, Bungalow

Emburse Cards Customer Testimonial

Emburse has freed up our staff to use their expense accounts without bothering leadership for cards, receipt returns, or missing cards. Overall, our experience with Emburse has been great.

Garret Kamps, Administrative Director, Living Stones Churches

Emburse Cards Customer Testimonial

As a non-profit organization, it’s crucial for us to be able to effectively manage expenses and have our staff and volunteers be able to easily spend on behalf of the organization. Emburse allows us to do this well while streamlining our accounting and reconciliation process.

Executive, Non Profit

Emburse Cards Customer Testimonial

With Emburse Cards, my company has seen time savings, better employee/contractor morale, convenience and easier spending management.

Co-Founder, Small Business Construction Company

Emburse Cards Customer Statistic

83% of surveyed organizations who previously used Expensify said they saw a return on their investment with Emburse Cards within 2-6 months.


Emburse Cards Customer Statistic

75% of surveyed organizations said they saw a return on their investment with Emburse Cards within 2-6 months.


Emburse Cards Customer Testimonial

Helping our customers WFH

Emburse Cards eliminated a paper system for a work-from-home staff, increased insight into spend & reporting for managers, time savings.

Marcie Vanzanten, Accounting Director, BHBC

Emburse Cards Customer Testimonial

The Emburse Virtual cards have allowed us to better manage multiple buying accounts across multiple buying platforms that we would be hard pressed to do with traditional, physical credit cards.

Sean Juelch, CEO, TicketEaters

Emburse Cards Customer Testimonial

There used to be a single card and a single owner for that card, in other words, a bottleneck. Emburse allows each team member to have their own card and have ownership over that card, essentially distributing and multiplying our expense management.

Sadok Cervantes, CEO, Leangap

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