TechValidate Research on DesignWise


Compiling Research Data...

We're currently compiling research data on DesignWise. Our findings will be published here as soon as we have an adequate amount of data collected.

Thank you for your patience.

– The TechValidate Research Team

About DesignWise

We created DesignWise to help teams with coding experience of all levels to create more efficient and targeted automated software tests. Developers can use DesignWise’s tools to quickly create tests that are executed through Ranorex Studio. DesignWise includes a collection of Intelligent Augmentation algorithms and a “control dial” that makes it easy for test developers to create the right number of tests for their project. Users can remove unnecessary variables and only focus on the parameters that they need. This enables team members to find and fill gaps in their test coverage and spot areas where tests are unnecessarily or overlapping and eliminate them. Our test automation software also presents much of this information visually, so developers can quickly process and analyze the test parameters and results. This builds in a much more efficient workflow and creates an effective pipeline from DesignWise straight into Ranorex Studio.

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