TechValidate Research on Couchbase

These pages present data that TechValidate has sourced via direct research with verified customers and users of Couchbase. TechValidate stands behind the authenticity of all published data. Learn more »

333 Customers Surveyed

2,534 Data Points Collected

80 Published TechFacts

45 Published Charts

59 Published Case Studies

Selected Research Highlights

Couchbase Customer Research

Why Manufacturing & Logistics Customer Choose Couchbase

What Couchbase features do you value the most compared to other solutions you have used?

Flexible schema
Memory-first architecture

Couchbase Customer Review

5/5 Stars

How our organization uses Couchbase:

Our primary cloud-based database solution.

Please describe your overall experience using Couchbase:

Overall, Couchbase is an exceptional solution for our company. The core products are great, providing us with improved uptime and vastly superior performance at scale, without the management overhead of replicating RDBMS data. Couchbase has been a key part of our architecture since 2012, and its role is only increasing over time.

Couchbase Customer Research

Top Reasons Why Customers Choose Couchbase Over DB2

What Couchbase features do you value the most compared to other solutions you have used?

Full Text Search
Memory-first architecture

Couchbase Case Study

Medium Enterprise Financial Services Company Increases Query Performance by over 100% with Couchbase


This case study of a medium enterprise financial services company is based on a July 2020 survey of Couchbase customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service. The profiled company asked to have their name blinded to protect their confidentiality.

“We use Couchbase as a data store for historical data.”

“It is a well balanced NoSQL with memcache.”

“The product is very straight forward.”


The business challenges that led the profiled company to evaluate and ultimately select Couchbase:

  • Experienced the following challenges prior to implementing Couchbase:
    • Having an expensive solution
    • Performance
  • Evaluated the following vendors before choosing Couchbase:
    • MongoDB
    • Oracle
    • Redis

Use Case

The key features and functionalities of Couchbase that the surveyed company uses:

  • Values the following Couchbase features compared to other solutions they have used:
    • SQL++
    • Cache
  • Is storing 1 – 10 million documents in Couchbase.
  • Is storing 200 GB – 1 TB of data in Couchbase.
  • Is running 1-10M requests/operations per second in Couchbase.
  • Describes their Couchbase deployment:
    • Clusters: up to 10
    • Nodes: up to 10


The surveyed company achieved the following results with Couchbase:

  • Saw returned value within 1-3 months after implementing Couchbase.
  • Rates the following improvements since working with Couchbase:
    • Lowered total cost of ownership: 25-49%
    • Increased query performance: 100%+
    • Increased operational efficiency: 25-49%
    • Accelerated development cycles: 50-74%
    • Accelerated response times: 50-74%
    • Experienced a more efficient help desk: 50-74%
    • Experienced more efficient database management: 75%-100%
    • Improved application uptime & availability: 75%-100%
  • Values their Couchbase application/deployment at millions.

Couchbase Customer Statistic

Customer’s ROI in < 9 months

73% of surveyed organizations saw returned value within 6-9 months or sooner after implementing Couchbase.


Couchbase Case Study

State & Local Government Customer Saw ROI Within 3 Months


This case study of a state & local government is based on a July 2020 survey of Couchbase customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service. The profiled organization asked to have their name blinded to protect their confidentiality.

“We have been using Couchbase for few years. Overall, we’re happy with the performance.”


The business challenges that led the profiled organization to evaluate and ultimately select Couchbase:

  • Experienced the following challenges prior to implementing Couchbase:
    • Scaling
    • Replication
  • Evaluated the following vendor before choosing Couchbase:
    • Redis

Use Case

The key features and functionalities of Couchbase that the surveyed organization uses:

  • Values the following Couchbase features compared to other solutions they have used:
    • Full Text search
    • Cache
  • Describes their Couchbase deployment:
    • Clusters: up to 10
    • Nodes: up to 10


The surveyed organization achieved the following results with Couchbase:

  • Saw returned value within 1-3 months after implementing Couchbase.
  • Rates the following improvements since working with Couchbase:
    • Increased query performance: up to 25%
    • Increased operational efficiency: up to 25%
    • Accelerated response times: up to 25%
    • Improved application uptime & availability: up to 25%

More to Explore

About Couchbase

Couchbase provides an enterprise-class, multicloud to edge database that offers the robust capabilities required for business-critical applications on a highly scalable and available platform.

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