TechValidate Research on AIOps From Broadcom

These pages present data that TechValidate has sourced via direct research with verified customers and users of AIOps From Broadcom. TechValidate stands behind the authenticity of all published data. Learn more »

1,620 Customers Surveyed

11,979 Data Points Collected

559 Published TechFacts

60 Published Charts

128 Published Case Studies

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Selected Research Highlights

AIOps, Machine Learning and Analytics Customer Research

AIOps Drives Business Success

How important are the following software intelligence platform business outcomes?

Extremely important Very important Important Not important

Improve customer experience
Increase automation
Improve IT efficiency
Speed remediation

CA APM has helped us to improve operational efficiency, company productivity and up-time for critical services. We have reduced MTTR for critical business services and reduced SLA penalties.

Jitesh Udwani, Technical Consultant, GIC

CA Application Performance Management Case Study

Florida Department Of Transportation Gains Visibility with CA APM Docker Monitoring


This case study of Florida Department of Transportation is based on a January 2017 survey of CA Application Performance Management customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service.


The business challenges that led the profiled organization to evaluate and ultimately select CA APM:

  • Biggest challenges when monitoring new applications:
    • Scaling their monitoring with growth
    • Improving their monitoring strategy
    • Alert correlation or noise reduction
    • The growing complexities of application infrastructure
    • Maintaining SLAs or other performance KPIs

Use Case

  • Plan for deploying applications in the next 12 months:
    • Hybrid cloud (on-prem + cloud)
  • Plans to support the following technologies in the next 12 months:
    • Programming languages (e.g. PhP, Ruby, Google Go)
  • Using the following tools to automate development, deployment, or management processes:
    • A homegrown solution


  • Results of using CA APM to monitor container and cloud applications:
    • Gained 360-degree visibility into their apps, server infrastructure, and containers (all in one place)
    • Increased speed and simplified the triage of their application performance issues for every app in any environment
    • Improved the ability to pinpoint what was happening and where even if part of their application is in the cloud and other parts are on premise
    • Increased their ability to detect problems throughout their entire stack, from infrastructure to user experience
    • Increased their speed to roll out new services faster to support the business
  • Rates CA APM’s ability to monitor cloud-native and containerized applications in the following environments when compared to the competition:
    • Amazon Web Services (AWS): superior to
    • Docker: superior to
    • Cloud Foundry: superior to
    • Hybrid Cloud: superior to
    • Jenkins support: superior to
  • CA APM helped improve the following in a hybrid cloud environment:
    • speed triage of deployment: improved
    • visibility: improved
    • their ability to reduce complexity: improved
    • their ability to focus on important app issues: improved
  • Agreed with the following:
    • CA APM’s Docker monitoring allows them to easily see which container is running which app to improve troubleshooting of application performance issues
    • As application complexity explodes, they can understand how their applications are functioning on cloud platforms such as AWS.

Solve Issues Quickly and Effectively

CA APM 10 helps solve issues quickly and effectively.

IT Administrator, Fortune 500 Automotive & Transport Company

Case Study: Medium Enterprise Financial Services Company


This case study of a medium enterprise financial services company is based on a July 2013 survey of CA Technologies Application Performance Management customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service. The profiled company asked to have their name blinded to protect their confidentiality.


  • Purchased and implemented CA Application Performance Management to address the following:
    • The application server performance

Use Case

  • Has 0 – 100 agents deployed.
  • Monitors the following types of applications/services with CA Application Performance Management:
    • Financial services applications (trading, banking, et al)
    • Mainframe applications
  • Uses the following CA Application Performance Management offerings:
    • CA APM (Introscope + CEM)


  • Chose CA Application Performance Management over the following competitors:
    • Compuware/Dynatrace
    • Riverbed/Opnet

Top 4 Ways CA APM 10 Can Help You

Which of the following has CA APM 10 helped you achieve?

Proactively manage the user experience to create a competitive advantage for our business
Easily deploy and manage application performance management to gain value
Utilize system intelligence through advanced analytics and smart instrumentation for more rapid triage
Fuel collaboration across my organization to enable continuous performance and quality improvements

More to Explore

About AIOps From Broadcom

AIOps from BroadcomⓇ combines full stack observability and advanced analytics with automation, helping solve complex IT problems before they impact customer experience. Our AIOps solution correlates data across users, applications, infrastructure and network services and applies machine learning, advanced analytics, and automation to deliver a new level of visibility and actionable insights.

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