TechValidate Research on AIOps From Broadcom

These pages present data that TechValidate has sourced via direct research with verified customers and users of AIOps From Broadcom. TechValidate stands behind the authenticity of all published data. Learn more »

1,620 Customers Surveyed

11,979 Data Points Collected

559 Published TechFacts

60 Published Charts

128 Published Case Studies

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Selected Research Highlights

CA APM TeamCenter and Triage Map Provide Awesome Experience for Grid Infocom


This case study of GIC is based on a March 2016 survey of CA Technologies Application Performance Management customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service.

“With CA APM 10, we have had an awesome experience with the Team Center, transaction tracer, error detector and the most important triage map feature with many views and features available, such as the heuristic graph and alert intensity.”


  • Business challenges addressed with CA APM 10:
    • Inconsistent or poor app end-user-experience
    • Difficult and long root-cause analysis for app performance issues
    • Long app performance Mean Time To Resolution (MTTR)
    • A lack of actionable app analytics for planning and deep insight
  • Challenges addressed when troubleshooting application performance issues with CA APM 10:
    • Difficulty determining what changes precede or cause performance issues
    • Difficulty knowing when and where to act to solve performance issues

Use Case

  • Most valuable CA APM 10 features:
    • Team Center Perspectives that simplify complex app topologies through task relevant views based on attributes
    • Team Center Timeline that improves triage by showing the impact of change and helping them locate where performance problems started
    • Differential Analysis that helps them quickly recognize problems and understand the most critical and recurrent problems
    • Smart Instrumentation which automatically collects deep transaction traces


  • CA APM 10 capabilities most important to the organization:
    • Fast time-to-value when instrumenting agents
    • A simple, easy-to-use design and interface
    • Visualizations on how application changes impact performance
    • Guided steps for triaging application issues
    • Enhanced alerting with predictive analytics
  • Rates CA APM 10 on the following:
    • Ease of use and management: highly effective
    • Monitoring coverage: highly effective
    • Scalability: highly effective
    • Depth and frequency of metrics: highly effective
    • Customizations (e.g. dashboards): highly effective
  • Improved the following with CA APM 10:
    • Improved their end-user-experience: more than 75%
    • Improved application performance: more than 75%
    • Improved proactively preventing issues: more than 75%
    • Improved MTTR for application problems: more than 75%
    • Reduced the time they spent on admin and management tasks: more than 75%
  • Experienced the following benefits as a result of adopting CA APM 10:
    • Improved the quality of the applications their organization delivers
    • Increased their speed of delivery of new applications
    • Improved how fast they are able to fix performance issues
    • Accelerated their feedback cycle between operations and development to address performance issues
    • Enhanced their understanding of where the problems are and which are the most important to address first
    • Enhanced their understanding of changes that happened which caused a performance issue
    • Improved collaboration across their organization to determine the root cause of performance issues
  • CA APM 10 helped achieve the following:
    • Easily deployed and managed application performance management to gain value
    • Proactively manages the user experience to create a competitive advantage for their business
    • Utilized system intelligence through advanced analytics and smart instrumentation for more rapid triage
    • Fueled collaboration across their organization to enable continuous performance and quality improvements
  • Agrees with the following statements:
    • They have improved end user experience and gained better visibility into the applications with CA APM 10
    • CA APM 10 helps their organization speed and simplify the triage of application performance issues
    • CA APM 10 helps them protect their experts with less need to bring everyone into the war room

CA Technologies Application Performance Management Customer Statistic

Utilities Applauds Scalability

100% of surveyed Energy & Utilities customers rate CA APM 10’s scalability as very effective or better.

CA Technologies App Synthetic Monitor Case Study

Energy & Utilities Company Proactively Manages App Performance with CA App Synthethic Monitor


This case study of a medium enterprise energy & utilities company is based on a June 2016 survey of CA Technologies Application Synthetic Monitor customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service. The profiled company asked to have their name blinded to protect their confidentiality.

“With CA ASM, we are ahead of the game when it comes to slow response and unavailability of customer facing websites.”


The business challenges that led the profiled company to evaluate and ultimately select CA Technologies Application Synthetic Monitor:

  • Challenges experienced prior to adopting CA ASM:
    • Difficulties with identifying bottlenecks to load time and performance
    • Inconsistent or poor end-user experiences
    • Root cause diagnosis

Use Case

The key features and functionalities of CA Technologies Application Synthetic Monitor that the surveyed company uses:

  • Addresses the following with CA ASM:
    • Measure end-user experience even at times when there is no real-user traffic
    • Have confidence that their worldwide user community is experiencing the application response times they expect
    • Communicate application performance to key stakeholders (users, developers and executive management)
  • Rates CA ASM on the following:
    • Ease of use and management: very effective
    • Monitoring coverage: highly effective
    • Depth & frequency of metrics: highly effective
    • Geographical coverage: highly effective


The surveyed company achieved the following results with CA Technologies Application Synthetic Monitor:

  • Benefits achieved with CA ASM:
    • Visibility into cloud-based applications outside enterprise control
    • The ability to replicate real-user behavior/ capture real-user interactions for replay, to help ensure complex services are performing correctly
    • The ability to pinpoint problems through comprehensive browser-based end-user perspective to provide optimal experience
  • Cites the following as the CA ASM capabilities that are most important to their organization:
    • Synthetic transaction monitoring
    • Real browser monitoring
    • The public status page
  • Achieved the following with CA ASM:
    • Replicate real-user transactions to provide up-to-the-minute insight into user experience
    • Identify and resolve problem root causes before users are affected (manage end-user experience proactively)
    • Understand global user experience anytime, anywhere (understand user experience by geography)

Digitalcomm Improves End User Experience

Digitalcomm Solutions improved their end-user-experience by more than 75% with CA APM 10.

CA Technologies Application Performance Management Customer Research

Top 3 Challenges of AppDynamics Customers

Before switching to CA APM, what challenges were you experiencing?

Difficult and long root-cause analysis for app performance issues
Inconsistent or poor app end-user-experience
Inability to monitor high volume production environments

CA Technologies Application Performance Management Customer Research

CA APM Leads AppDynamics in Depth of Metrics

How CA APM’s features rate when compared to AppDynamics

Significantly Superior Highly Superior Superior Not Superior

Monitoring coverage
Depth & frequency of metrics

More to Explore

About AIOps From Broadcom

AIOps from BroadcomⓇ combines full stack observability and advanced analytics with automation, helping solve complex IT problems before they impact customer experience. Our AIOps solution correlates data across users, applications, infrastructure and network services and applies machine learning, advanced analytics, and automation to deliver a new level of visibility and actionable insights.

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