TechValidate Research on Develocity

Develocity Case Study

PicPay Sees Payback within 3 Months by Deploying Build Scan™ and Build Cache


This case study of PicPay is based on an October 2021 survey of Develocity customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service.


PicPay experienced the following challenges prior to implementing Develocity:

  • Too much time spent waiting on build and test feedback either locally or during CI
  • Inability to easily troubleshoot and determine the root cause of build, test and CI failures including flaky tests
  • Insufficient observability of analytics on build and test performance and regressions, failure trends, and productivity bottlenecks
  • Issues with recruiting/retention related to the developer experience (e.g. Unreliable build and test toolchain)
  • Difficulty communicating build details between teams and collaborating when troubleshooting failures
  • Managing the growth of build and test cycles as the codebase grows

Use Case

  • PicPay has utilized Develocity for 6-12 Months.
  • They found the Build Scan™ and Build Cache to be “Killer” features
  • Additionally, they found the Performance and Failure Trends Dashboard to be very useful.


  • PicPay’s payback period for their investment in Develocity was within the first 3 months.
  • In addition, PicPay agreed with the following statements:
    • “Develocity consistently exceeds our expectations for service and support and as a strategic technology partner.”
    • “Developer Productivity Engineering will become a de facto industry-standard software practice much like Agile and DevOps.”
    • “Develocity scales well and will meet the service-level expectations of any enterprise-wide deployment.”
  • Additionally, PicPay’s experience to date adapting and implementing DPE practices has led the Android Engineering Manager to conclude that DPE’s impact on their toolchain makes their job more enjoyable and that DPE is helpful in recruiting and retaining top talent for their business.

About This Data

This data was sourced directly from verified users of Develocity by TechValidate.

TechValidate verifies the identity and organizational affiliation of all participants that contribute to published research data. When research participants so desire, we also guarantee their anonymity so that they may share information honestly and freely.

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