TechValidate Research on Truckstop

20 TechFacts

Truckstop Customer Statistic

77% of Brokers agree that Truckstop’s performance is better than the competition.

Truckstop Customer Statistic

72% of Brokers agree that Truckstop’s Carrier fraud prevention is better than the competition.

Truckstop Customer Statistic

75% of customers agree that Truckstop is more cost-effective than the competition.

Truckstop Customer Statistic

76% of customers rated Truckstop’s reliability as Better compared to competitors.

Truckstop Customer Statistic

84% of customers covered the cost of their Load Board Basic subscription in 5 or fewer loads.

Truckstop Customer Statistic

71% of customers estimate making up to $550 each month by using Truckstop to find backhauls.

Truckstop Customer Statistic

76% of customers say that Truckstop is easier to use than the competition.


Truckstop Customer Statistic

Truckstop Performance

74% of customers agree that Truckstop’s Performance is Better than the competition.


Truckstop Customer Statistic

69% of customers agree that Truckstop is more cost-effective than the competition.

Truckstop Customer Statistic

77% of customers agree that Truckstop’s performance is better than the competition.

Truckstop Customer Statistic

78% of customers agree that Truckstop’s accuracy is better than the competition.

Truckstop Customer Statistic

79% of customers benefit from finding loads on Truckstop load board.

Truckstop Customer Statistic

More Available Loads

58% of customers say that Truckstop has more available loads than the competition.


Truckstop Customer Statistic

73% of customers saw an increase in revenue in 6 weeks or less with Truckstop Factoring.

Truckstop Customer Statistic

56% of small businesses saw a positive impact with Truckstop Factoring in 6 weeks or less.

Truckstop Customer Statistic

Customers make up to 30% more by using Truckstop to find backhauls.

Truckstop Customer Statistic

86% of customers say that Truckstop Factoring reduces their time spent on paperwork.

Truckstop Customer Statistic

93% of customers say they get paid faster with Truckstop Factoring than the competition.

Truckstop Customer Statistic

Make More with Pro

64% of customers estimate to have made up to 100% more in the last 6 months using Load Board Pro.

Truckstop Customer Statistic

83% of customers agree that Truckstop is easier to use than the competition.


More Research on Truckstop