TechValidate Research on The Skills Connection

The Skills Connection Case Study

Large Enterprise Financial Services Company


This case study of a large enterprise financial services company is based on an October 2021 survey of The Skills Connection customers by TechValidate, a 3rd-party research service. The profiled company asked to have their name blinded to protect their confidentiality.

I would recommend The Skills Connection. The quality of their consultants is first class and we found the challenge provided by an external party critical to success. We used them specifically as an accelerator for our evaluative research response.

It was a high-quality consultant who helped us, providing an external voice to challenge our differentiation and evidence, and improve our response. The insights helped us to improve the quality of our evidence and helped to amplify the messages provided by our internal analyst relations (AR) team.


The business challenges that led the profiled company to evaluate and ultimately select The Skills Connection:

  • Engaged with The Skills Connection for the following reasons:
    • Wanted to change their position in the MQ/Wave/Marketscape to generate new business
    • Were concerned that coverage of their product / services by analysts would negatively impact their business
    • to act as an accelerator for our positioning in an evaluation to try and mitigate against a drop in position.

Use Case

The key features and functionalities of The Skills Connection that the surveyed company uses:

  • Uses The Skills Connection to:
    • Help them improve their position in an MQ/Wave/Marketscape
    • Focus just on what was needed, and avoid wasting time on anything else
    • Create an internal learning environment so that their team can be more effective in the future


The surveyed company achieved the following results with The Skills Connection:

  • Experiences gained with The Skills Connection:
    • The ability to create a strong evidence-based case to analysts covering their product / service
  • Benefits from working with The Skills Connection:
    • Made the most effective use of their internal resources
    • Provided their internal team the tools and skills to effectively engage with analysts
  • Agrees with the following statements:
    • met their internal schedules and deadlines: strongly agree
    • ensured they met schedules and deadlines for the analysts: strongly agree
    • facilitated the co-ordination of activities across their internal response team: agree
    • acted as an extension of staff: strongly agree
    • enabled them to focus on what was needed and avoid wasting time on anything else: agree
  • The Skills Connection is:
    • collaborative: strongly agree
    • knowledgeable: strongly agree
    • service-oriented: agree
    • value for money: agree
    • best practice focused: strongly agree

About This Data

This data was sourced directly from verified users of The Skills Connection by TechValidate.

TechValidate verifies the identity and organizational affiliation of all participants that contribute to published research data. When research participants so desire, we also guarantee their anonymity so that they may share information honestly and freely.

More Research on The Skills Connection