TechValidate Research on CrowdStrike Falcon® Go

CrowdStrike Falcon Go Customer Research

90% of customers would be negatively impacted impacted by a cyber attack

If you were to suffer from a cyber attack, how would that impact your operations?

We would not be able to handle a cyberattack and would definitely go out of business: 16%
We would likely go out of business: 17%
We would lose customers: 21%
We would face some operational challenges: 34%
We are prepared for an attack: 10%
Other: 1%

About This Data

This data was sourced directly from verified users of CrowdStrike Falcon® Go by TechValidate.

TechValidate verifies the identity and organizational affiliation of all participants that contribute to published research data. When research participants so desire, we also guarantee their anonymity so that they may share information honestly and freely.

Respondent Details

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