UltraTax User Feedback

SurePrep Customer Statistic

SurePrep increases profitability for UltraTax users

72% of surveyed UltraTax users reported increased 1040 realization rates of 10% or more.


SurePrep Customer Statistic

11% of surveyed organizations used UltraTax Source Document Processing before switching to SurePrep.


SurePrep Customer Fact

A Rootworks member and UltraTax user said that SurePrep’s solutions increased their 1040 realization rate by 15-19% over GruntWorx.

SurePrep Customer Fact

An RSM US Alliance member and UltraTax user said that SurePrep’s solutions increased their 1040 realization rate by 10-14%.

SurePrep Customer Review

5/5 Stars

How our organization uses SurePrep:

To increase efficiencies.

Would you recommend SurePrep?

Yes. We prepare the same amount of returns with less staff yet with more profitability.

SurePrep Customer Review

An UltraTax user had the following feedback

5/5 Stars

How our organization uses SurePrep:

We reduced the time spent bookmarking and organizing tax workpapers, improved our tax return preparation efficiency, increased our tax return review efficiency, and reduced our reliance on paper.

Would you recommend SurePrep?

Yes. 10/10 net promoter score.

SurePrep Customer Satisfaction Rating

A Partner/Owner at a BDO Alliance USA member firm would be very likely to recommend SurePrep for this reason:

Great technology, easy to use, creates efficiencies in the tax return preparation process. Using SurePrep has allowed us to go fully “paperless” rather than being “less paper.” It allows our staff to prepare and review from wherever they are, which is important today with flexible schedules.

SurePrep Customer Satisfaction Rating

Scott Fouty, a Tax Manager at Stamm Advisors, would be very likely to recommend SurePrep for this reason:

SurePrep makes the preparing and review of tax returns much more efficient.

SurePrep Customer Satisfaction Rating

Barry Picker, a Partner/Owner at Picker & Auerbach, would be very likely to recommend SurePrep for this reason:

Been using it for years and it works.

SurePrep Customer Review

4.5/5 Stars

How our organization uses SurePrep:

SurePrep gives our office more efficiency and reduces our need to hire and train new staff members.

Would you recommend SurePrep?

We have become more efficient, more productive, and able to grow our business without having to grow our staff.