Customer Contact Executive MindXchange: Sponsorship's Best!

This is a collection of validated responses and facts from our Sponsors of the Customer Contact Executive MindXchange

Frost & Sullivan Executive MindXchange Customer Statistic

We Were Shooting for 101%….

100% of surveyed Customer Contact East sponsors would recommend sponsorship of the Frost & Sullivan MindXchange to a peer.

Trade Shows Are Yesterday

What are the problems that plague today’s “traditional” trade show and/or conference?

Transient audience drives few relationships
Content and presentations are inconsistent and a one-way push from the podium
Networking is limited & activities are dull, resulting in lack of touch points with participants
Poor communication & customer service by organizers
Lack of true decision makers in attendance
More a PR opportunity vs demand generation vehicle
Too much competition
Lack of ROI

Frost & Sullivan Executive MindXchange Customer Statistic

It’s not if, it’s how much

90% of surveyed sponsors generated returns that were 5 times or more the investment as past sponsors.

Frost & Sullivan Executive MindXchange Customer Statistic

Why Frost & Sullivan? For many reasons – but here’s one more…

83% of surveyed participants would be more likely to inquire about future services if a solution provider sponsored the Frost & Sullivan Executive MindXchange.


Not Just a Sponsorship, it’s a Partnership

We are a recognized vendor now, attracting attention from a number of decision makers and seeing the return from being a consistent contributor. We highly value the partnership with Frost & Sullivan and the expertise they bring to the call center industry.

Steve Prodger, Senior Vice President, SmartAction

The Executive MindXchange vs _________

94% of surveyed sponsors ability to generate a ROI is 2 times or more likely at the Frost & Sullivan MindXchange vs other events.

Don’t Waste Your Budget On a Trade Show!

The event was a great chance to interact with decision-makers and better understand their needs and barriers. The emphasis on networking and open communication led to relationships that are simply not possible in a “normal” trade show.

Director, Medium Enterprise Computer Software Company

Frost & Sullivan MindXchanges Offer The Best Environments To Build Relationships!

100% of surveyed attendees value the relationship building and networking that is fostered at a Frost & Sullivan Executive MindXchange.

Return On Relationships: ROR = ROI

73% of surveyed sponsors generated 5-10 or more relationships with decision makers as a result of their sponsorship at the Frost & Sullivan Executive MindXchange.

A Unique Branding Experience

We continue to expand our brand and solution in an environment that allows participants to actually learn about the solution without feeling as if they are being sold. Additionally, Frost & Sullivan allows you to spot check your decisions / plans with industry experts.

Vice President, Large Enterprise Professional Services Company

Sponsorship: Value in More Ways than One

The value we derive from the Executive MindXchange is felt in many areas. The benefit of the brand awareness we obtain as a result of attending, speaking, and collaborating at the event. The relationships we develop, some result in prompt engagements while others are nurtured and evolve to thought provoking industry partnerships.

Vice President, Small Business Professional Services Company

Frost & Sullivan Executive MindXchange Customer Statistic

Voted the Market’s Best…Again!

77% of surveyed sponsors agree that Frost & Sullivan’s Customer Contact Executive MindXchange is the best sponsorship investment in the market.